Pakistan’s #1 free CV builder and automated job matching portal for job seekers.
Our Mission is committed to finding the best talent possible for companies and to creating the best user experience in the industry for job seekers. We have made the Job Seeker journey easier through’s Mobile application. Your dream job is just a few clicks away. Find all the latest Jobs in Pakistan NOW from your smartphone!
Our Offerings
Free CV Builder
Our free CV builder helps you build the perfect resume in just a few steps. Let our wizard guide you to create a professional Jobee profile that connects you with companies - showcasing your unique skills and talents.
Download/Export PDF
Although the first impression might not be the last impression, it surely counts. Our Free CV templates organize how you showcase your skills and talents in a unique and effective way. You can export or download your profile for external use in a free Template of your choice all for FREE!
Shareable Profile Link
Whether you are looking for a job on or somewhere else, we promise to support you in any way. You can share your Jobee profile and CV link with anyone outside of Jobee’s platform. Make your profile, share your profile, and get hired!
Job Seeking Option
Jobee’s Job seeking option gives you full control of whether or not you get contacted by companies. You can always turn off your job seeking option if you are already working and are happy with your current job. Make sure to leave your Job seeking option on if you are ready to be auto-matched to companies and appear in talent searches.
Why Jobee?
We pride ourselves in being different. Here is what you get:
Unlimited job applications
We have thousands of jobs and you can apply to as many as you want. We won’t charge or restrict you after a certain number of applications like our competitors. Apply to any job that you qualify for at no cost or restriction. You can search jobs by your city, functional area or Industry to get more focused search results.
Jobee Matches
Jobee’s mobile phone app will give you a daily update of jobs that match your background. You can set the criteria to see jobs relevant to you and apply to them with a push of a button all within seconds.
Best Job Searching Engine
Our job search engine facilitates job searching along various dimensions. You can go for an extensive Job searching spree by applying the necessary filters. You can search according to your:
• City
• Job Title
• Functional Area
• Experience Level
• Shift
• Gender
• Industry
• Career Level
• Degree Level
Not Your Regular Job Portal came into existence with a desire to serve our community. We support your aspirations and dreams and every second of this journey is committed to you and your success - This is the main reason that despite strong market competition, we remained steadfast in our commitment to keep the services free of charge.
Find Jobs Now
You can find the latest jobs in the most demanding industries such as Sales and Marketing, Software and Web Development, Accounting and Finance, Customer service and many more in just a couple of minutes.
We have a pool of Jobs from a number of cities in Pakistan. Our platform caters all the latest Jobs in Lahore, Jobs in Islamabad, Jobs in Rawalpindi, Jobs in Karachi and many other cities. Whether you are looking for part time jobs or full time jobs, is your one-stop for all!
Costruttore di CV gratuito in Pakistan numero 1 e portale di abbinamento automatico dei job per i richiedenti lavoro.
La nostra missione si impegna a trovare il miglior talento possibile per le aziende e a creare la migliore esperienza utente nel settore per chi cerca lavoro. Abbiamo reso più facile il viaggio di Job Seeker attraverso l'applicazione mobile di Il lavoro dei tuoi sogni è a portata di clic. Trova tutti gli ultimi lavori in Pakistan ORA dal tuo smartphone!
Le nostre offerte
Generatore di CV gratuito
Il nostro generatore di CV gratuito ti aiuta a costruire il curriculum perfetto in pochi passaggi. Lascia che il nostro mago ti guidi per creare un profilo professionale Jobee che ti connetta con le aziende - mettendo in mostra le tue abilità e talenti unici.
Scarica / Esporta PDF
Anche se la prima impressione potrebbe non essere l'ultima impressione, sicuramente conta. I nostri modelli di CV gratuiti organizzano il modo in cui mostri le tue capacità e talenti in modo unico ed efficace. Puoi esportare o scaricare il tuo profilo per uso esterno in un Template gratuito a tua scelta tutto GRATIS!
Link profilo condivisibile
Che tu stia cercando un lavoro su o altrove, ti promettiamo di supportarti in qualsiasi modo. Puoi condividere il tuo profilo Jobee e il link CV con chiunque non sia la piattaforma di Jobee. Crea il tuo profilo, condividi il tuo profilo e fatti assumere!
Opzione Ricerca di lavoro
L'opzione di ricerca di lavoro di Jobee ti dà il pieno controllo del fatto che tu venga contattato o meno dalle aziende. Puoi sempre disattivare l'opzione di ricerca di lavoro se stai già lavorando e sei soddisfatto del tuo attuale lavoro. Assicurati di lasciare attiva la tua opzione di ricerca di lavoro se sei pronto per essere abbinato automaticamente alle aziende e compaiono nelle ricerche di talento.
Perché Jobee?
Siamo orgogliosi di essere diversi. Ecco cosa ottieni:
Applicazioni di lavoro illimitate
Abbiamo migliaia di posti di lavoro e puoi candidarti a quanti ne desideri. Non ti addebiteremo o ti limitaremo dopo un certo numero di applicazioni come i nostri concorrenti. Applicare a qualsiasi lavoro che si qualifica per senza alcun costo o limitazione. Puoi cercare lavori per città, area funzionale o industria per ottenere risultati di ricerca più mirati.
Jobee Matches
L'app per dispositivi mobili di Jobee ti aggiornerà quotidianamente su lavori che corrispondono al tuo background. È possibile impostare i criteri per visualizzare i lavori rilevanti per te e applicarli con una semplice pressione di un pulsante in pochi secondi.
Miglior motore di ricerca di lavoro
Il nostro motore di ricerca di lavoro facilita la ricerca di un lavoro lungo varie dimensioni. Puoi fare una ricerca approfondita di lavoro applicando i filtri necessari. Puoi cercare in base al tuo:
• Città
• Titolo di lavoro
• Area Funzionale
• Livello di esperienza
• Cambio
• Genere
• Industria
• Livello di carriera
• Livello di laurea
Non è il tuo portale di lavoro regolare è nato con il desiderio di servire la nostra comunità. Supportiamo le tue aspirazioni e i tuoi sogni e ogni secondo di questo viaggio è impegnato per te e per il tuo successo. Questa è la ragione principale per cui, nonostante la forte concorrenza sul mercato, siamo rimasti fermi nel nostro impegno di mantenere i servizi gratuitamente.
Trova lavori ora
Puoi trovare gli ultimi lavori nei settori più esigenti come vendite e marketing, sviluppo di software e Web, contabilità e finanza, assistenza clienti e molto altro in un paio di minuti.
Abbiamo un pool di lavori da un certo numero di città in Pakistan. La nostra piattaforma si rivolge a tutti gli ultimi lavori di Lahore, Jobs a Islamabad, Jobs in Rawalpindi, Jobs a Karachi e in molte altre città. Sia che stiate cercando lavori part-time o lavori a tempo pieno, è il vostro punto di riferimento per tutti!
Pakistan’s #1 free CV builder and automated job matching portal for job seekers.
Our Mission is committed to finding the best talent possible for companies and to creating the best user experience in the industry for job seekers. We have made the Job Seeker journey easier through’s Mobile application. Your dream job is just a few clicks away. Find all the latest Jobs in Pakistan NOW from your smartphone!
Our Offerings
Free CV Builder
Our free CV builder helps you build the perfect resume in just a few steps. Let our wizard guide you to create a professional Jobee profile that connects you with companies - showcasing your unique skills and talents.
Download/Export PDF
Although the first impression might not be the last impression, it surely counts. Our Free CV templates organize how you showcase your skills and talents in a unique and effective way. You can export or download your profile for external use in a free Template of your choice all for FREE!
Shareable Profile Link
Whether you are looking for a job on or somewhere else, we promise to support you in any way. You can share your Jobee profile and CV link with anyone outside of Jobee’s platform. Make your profile, share your profile, and get hired!
Job Seeking Option
Jobee’s Job seeking option gives you full control of whether or not you get contacted by companies. You can always turn off your job seeking option if you are already working and are happy with your current job. Make sure to leave your Job seeking option on if you are ready to be auto-matched to companies and appear in talent searches.
Why Jobee?
We pride ourselves in being different. Here is what you get:
Unlimited job applications
We have thousands of jobs and you can apply to as many as you want. We won’t charge or restrict you after a certain number of applications like our competitors. Apply to any job that you qualify for at no cost or restriction. You can search jobs by your city, functional area or Industry to get more focused search results.
Jobee Matches
Jobee’s mobile phone app will give you a daily update of jobs that match your background. You can set the criteria to see jobs relevant to you and apply to them with a push of a button all within seconds.
Best Job Searching Engine
Our job search engine facilitates job searching along various dimensions. You can go for an extensive Job searching spree by applying the necessary filters. You can search according to your:
• City
• Job Title
• Functional Area
• Experience Level
• Shift
• Gender
• Industry
• Career Level
• Degree Level
Not Your Regular Job Portal came into existence with a desire to serve our community. We support your aspirations and dreams and every second of this journey is committed to you and your success - This is the main reason that despite strong market competition, we remained steadfast in our commitment to keep the services free of charge.
Find Jobs Now
You can find the latest jobs in the most demanding industries such as Sales and Marketing, Software and Web Development, Accounting and Finance, Customer service and many more in just a couple of minutes.
We have a pool of Jobs from a number of cities in Pakistan. Our platform caters all the latest Jobs in Lahore, Jobs in Islamabad, Jobs in Rawalpindi, Jobs in Karachi and many other cities. Whether you are looking for part time jobs or full time jobs, is your one-stop for all!